EVOLVE is currently closed.  Join the waitlist

A profound and momentous transformation is on the horizon for countless individuals who have embraced the path of healing and spirituality. 

So, dear healer, are you ready to embrace the transformative energies of 2024? Are you prepared to break free from the limitations that have held you back and step into the fullness of your spiritual potential? The universe beckons you to evolve, to become the powerful healer you were meant to be, and with that, a world of infinite possibilities awaits.



Are you a new hypnosis practitioner, healer, or spiritual business owner who is just starting out?
Are you looking to take your current spiritual or healing business to the next level?
Do you feel like negative beliefs, energetic barriers, and old patterns of low self-worth or lack mindset are holding you back?
Would you like a direct connection with your team of light to help you uncover more of who you are?

If you know that you are meant to make a positive impact in this world but are unsure of where to begin, Evolve: The Empowered Entrepreneur Experience is designed to help you lay a strong foundation for a successful future.

This comprehensive program is specifically tailored for those who want to go from starting their spiritual or healing business to becoming a fully empowered entrepreneur.

This is not your typical business coaching program.

The Evolve program will teach you the necessary skills to set up and grow your spiritual or healing business, while also addressing any blocks or resistant energy that may be hindering your progress. Through this experience, you will also connect with your spirit team, who will assist you in discovering more of your unique gifts and abilities, enabling you to step into a more evolved and empowered version of yourself.

The Evolve Experience offers four levels of expansion, allowing you to choose the level of support you need in order to become your most expansive self. It is time to share your gifts, talents, and abilities with the world. Join us on this extraordinary journey of connection and expansion. This is an unparalleled experience that cannot be found elsewhere.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.


"Resistance was futile! Having viewed the Evolve program I felt drawn to the energies of Heather and her team - yet I put it to the back of my mind until I could ignore the persistent reminders from within no longer.

Heather has left no stone unturned. For anyone wishing to truly make a positive difference in our world and increase their business or indeed beginning this exciting journey - Heather offers a most comprehensive course and she continues to support anyone who needs help even after the course has been completed.

Being part of a group also was rewarding - I have always worked on my own so this was a new experience for me - ‘not being seen!” Is/was an issue for me and the group has helped me through this and for this I am grateful.

The icing on the cake, for me, was the connections to our galactic brothers and sisters - answering the questions that will help us to move forward. And, as we increase our awareness I’m sure Heather and her team will keep evolving their work to incorporate our needs.

Without hesitation I would highly recommend the Evolve program, take this opportunity to empower yourself and make a difference in this world - the time is now!

Heather is indeed a guiding light sharing her wealth of knowledge in true service to others."

In deep gratitude,


Learn more about the Evolve Entrepreneur Experience


A 2-Day Workshop to help you build and grow the foundation for your spiritual or healing business.


2-Day Build and Grow Your Spiritual Business Workshop

Includes access to a private Telegram group so you can connect with Heather, Sarah and Amelie for support.

This 2-Day workshop is perfect for those who are just getting started in building and growing a spiritual business and are struggling with where to start. In this workshop, I will share with you everything I have done to create and set up a thriving and successful Quantum Healing Hypnosis business.

This isn't just for Hypnosis Practitioners. This workshop is for anyone who has a service to offer and wants to learn how to build a strong foundation to grow their business.

In this 2-Day workshop I will teach you:

  • How I have consistently grown and expanded my business over the last 3 years.
  • How I have built and automated systems within my business so it practically runs on autopilot.
  • How to set up your website and the website builder I love and have used for over 10 years.
  • How to build a client email list so you can connect regularly with potential clients.
  • The software programs I use to help automate my business.
  • My client on-boarding experience including the forms and documents I share with my clients.
  • The graphics programs I use to create graphics for my videos and social media.
  • The programs I use to edit and create my videos and content to attract potential clients.
  • How I use automatic writing to create content for my business.
  • The power of gratitude and how it has helped in my success.
  • An 11-page guided meditation script you can use to create your own energy-healing meditation to gift to new clients.
  • A swipe file with the email templates and written content I use in my business. 
  • And so much more.

I will share with you everything I have done in my business to help it run seamlessly so I can focus on assisting my clients with their healing.

This program is perfect for the spiritual healer or practitioner who is ready to start a new business or take their current business to the next level.

But the EVOLVE program is not just about teaching you how to set up and grow your spiritual business.  Oh No! There is SO much more.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.

What is holding you back from evolving into the powerful spiritual healer you know you truly are?

I'll tell you!

  • You lack full confidence in yourself and do not believe that you deserve success.
  • You have blocks around earning money and creating abundance.
  • You struggle with Imposter Syndrome, doubting that you can ever achieve the same level of success as others.
  • You worry about how others will perceive you if you put yourself out there in public.
  • Speaking and sharing your truth scares you.
  • Being a worrier and overthinker, you often find yourself stuck, unsure of what steps to take next.

Does this sound like you?

You can have every intention of creating a successful spiritual healing practice for yourself, but these types of thoughts, feelings and beliefs will stop you in your tracks. And you may not even realize you have these fears and beliefs.

Fear is powerful and can keep you stuck and frustrated.

But fear is just a block. It is a resistant energy that you have built up over time (even over lifetimes) that simply needs to be cleared and released. Once you locate and address the blocks, attachments, behaviors, and beliefs deeply ingrained within you, they can be eliminated, allowing you to embrace your true potential as a powerful healer.

The Evolve program not only helps you lay the foundation to start developing your spiritual business, but it also assists in identifying and removing the barriers, thought patterns, programs, and limiting beliefs that impede your business growth and prevent you from connecting with those individuals who require your healing abilities and gifts more than ever before.

If you're prepared to let go of these obstacles, cleanse your energy, and invite abundance into your life, then the Silver Tier of the Evolve program is the ideal choice for you.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.


2 Starship Healing Sessions that will help you to release old programs, blocks and beliefs that are keeping you from achieving the success you desire. PLUS 2 channeling sessions with the Guides!


Clear the blocks and open the flow of abundance

The Silver Tier includes:

  • 2 Starship Healing sessions where you will work with Heather, Sarah, and the guides who will assist you in locating and removing all blocks and resistant energy that is holding you back from achieving the life you desire.

  • 2 Empowerment Channeling sessions with Amelie and the guides who will bring through the information you need to help you fully embody the powerful healer you are becoming.

First, we work with the Starship...

During the first Starship Healing session, we will connect you with the Starship and the Galactic guides who will assist the group in locating, clearing, and releasing all blocks, fears, worries, doubts, and resistant energies that hold you back.  We will open the flow of energy within you to make it easier for you to move forward on your path in this life and tap into the abundance that is waiting for you.

During the second Starship Healing session we will work with the mind.  We will find and remove the programs of lack, low self-esteem and self-worth, and all of the beliefs and looping thoughts that keep you stuck and unable to step fully into your mission.

You will work closely with the Guides and Angels to begin the process of reprogramming the thoughts and beliefs into feelings of empowerment. They will help you to understand the power you hold within and give you the ability to anchor those beliefs into your present reality.

The Starship Healing sessions are incredibly powerful and will help you to release the fears, worries, and doubts about becoming a successful healer.

You deserve to have a thriving business and the world needs your gifts!

We will help you find the power within and bring it forward so that you may evolve to the next level as a powerful healer.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.

Who are you evolving into as an Ascended Being of Light?

Now that you have worked to clear and remove the blocks that are holding you back, NOW it's time to connect directly with your guides who will help you to understand not only who you are in this now moment, but who you are becoming as an ascended being.

We are all on this beautiful journey of ascension and are shifting and expanding into who we are becoming as a higher dimensional being, but many are unsure of their path and their purpose in this life. They are unsure of the next steps to take.

Some of the most asked questions in my hypnosis sessions are:

  • What is my path?
  • Why am I here?
  • What did I come here to do?
  • What are my gifts and abilities?
  • How can I help people?
  • What is my purpose or mission?
  • What is my role moving forward?
  • What will I be doing during/after the shift?
  • What is a good career path for me?
  • How do I attract clients I can serve?
  • How can I earn an abundant living doing what I love?

Many of my clients feel they are here for a greater purpose but they are unsure of what direction to go. They are not sure what their role will be as we move through this shift. They want to know more about who they truly are and what they are here to do.

Now we work with the Galactic Guides & Angels who will help you uncover your true path and purpose and begin to fully embody who you are as a powerful healer.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.


Empowerment Channeling Sessions: Connect with your guides and embody your inner healer

The next two sessions of the Silver Tier are channeling sessions with Amelie and the Guides and Angels.

Once you have cleared the fears, released the programs and beliefs, and are ready to allow abundance to flow freely into your life, the next step is connecting and working with the guides who will help you to know who you are at a soul level, uncover what you came to do in this life and to understand your path and role moving forward.

You will have access to the wisdom of your higher Galactic Guides and Angels who will share what you need to know to help you fully embody the evolved human you are becoming.

They will share with you new ways of thinking, living, and being, helping you to live and work in a state of higher consciousness.

No more worrying about who you are and what you are supposed to be doing, you will feel completely empowered and confident in what you have to offer.

You will no longer be afraid of speaking your truth and sharing your wisdom and knowledge with others. 

You will understand the power you hold within and will be excited to help others find their power as you share your healing gifts and abilities with clients who need you.

Amelie will provide the channel for the guides to bring through this powerful information to share with the group. This is a unique experience that you won't find anywhere else. We have crafted this experience to take you from building the foundation on which to grow your business to fully embodying the true essence of who you are.

This is a full-service program that addresses all the issues and challenges you may face as you begin to step into your role as a magnificent healer.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.



The full Evolve program. Everything you need to create a thriving and successful healing business.


The Ultimate Evolve Experience to Skyrocket Your Expansion

Includes access to a private Telegram group so you can connect with Heather, Sarah and Amelie for support.

This package is for the spiritual entrepreneur who is ready to share their healing gifts with the world.  You get everything in the Bronze and Silver tiers.


  • 2-Day Set Up and Grow Your Business Workshop
  • 2 Powerful Starship Healing Sessions
  • 2 Empowerment Channeling Sessions with Amelie and the Guides and Angels

Spend 2 days with Heather as she shares everything you need to get your healing business set up so that you can begin to attract the perfect clients for your gifts and abilities.

Spend 2 powerful days on the Starship with Heather, Sarah and the Guides who will help you to locate and clear all the blocks, programs, and beliefs that are holding you back, and reprogram the mind to allow abundance to become your natural state of being.

Spend two incredible days with the Guides and Angels who will bring forward all of the information you need to help you move forward on your path with ease.  You will receive powerful frequency activations that will help you create a stronger connection with your team of light. 

You have access to a full team to help you on your path. We will be there to help you in all aspects of creating and growing your business so you can live the life of your dreams.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.


EVOLVE Follow-Up Sessions. Where do you still have resistance? What do you still need help with?


EVOLVE follow-up sessions to help you expand

Includes access to a private Telegram group so you can connect with Heather, Sarah and Amelie for support.

Starting and growing a successful business can have its challenges.  Even when you feel full of excitement and motivation, you can sometimes find yourself stuck in the mind, allowing all the old worries to surface.

We want to provide you with everything you need to fully release your fears and step into the powerful healer you came here to be. We want to support you along your journey as a passionate healer.

If you feel that you are often heavy in the mind with fears, worries, doubts, and limiting beliefs, you can add a follow-up session package to your EVOLVE experience so we can do a re-check of where you are and an energetic tune-up.

After you attend the Starship Healing Sessions and the Empowerment Channeling Sessions of the Silver tier, we want to give you the month of April to put it all into practice.  Take what you have learned this far in the program and put it into action. This will give you the opportunity to see where there are still blocks, worries, or resistance.

We will have 2 follow-up sessions in May to do a check-up with you and see where you are and where you need to be.  We will work with Sarah and the Guides in an additional Starship Healing session to find and release any additional blockages, patterns, or beliefs that have surfaced since the initial sessions.

Then we will connect with Amelie and the Guides and Angels to bring through any additional information you need to help you take charge and move forward with passion and excitement.

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.

Special Bonus Offers

Sign up for one of our four incredible packages and receive these free gifts as a bonus with purchase.

Free trial membership to the Quantum Soul Portal

Receive one (1) free month membership to the Quantum Soul Portal when you purchase the Bronze Tier. Receive two (2) free months when you purchase the Silver, Gold or Platinum tier. A great way to try out the portal and all it has to offer.

Quantum Healing Meditation Bundle

12 powerful guided meditations designed to help you with healing the physical, mental and emotional bodies, and creating a strong connection with your guides and angels. Each meditation is approximately and hour and set to beautiful meditation music.

Printable Quantum Healing Journal

18 beautifully designed journal pages you can use to create the perfect healing journal. Track your healing sessions, work on your abundance mindset, set intentions, create powerful affirmations, and so much more. 

A $467 value


Four Amazing Packages to Choose From

Reserve your spot in one of these amazing packages. Seating is limited. 
All sessions will be recorded and sent to you after the session.

All tiers have access to a private Telegram group where you can ask questions, connect with Heather, Sarah and Amelie, and others who are working toward growing their business and Evolving into powerful healers!

2-Day Live Set Up and Grow Your Business Workshop

Learn how to set up and grow your hypnosis practice or spiritual healing business and ways you can attract new clients.

$397 (payment plan available)

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.

2 Starship Sessions & 2 Empowerment Channeling Sessions

Includes 2 Starship Healing Sessions with Sarah + 2 Empowerment Channeling Sessions with Amelie and the Guides.

(This tier does not include the 2-day workshop which can be purchased separately.)

$1,158  (payment plan available)

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.

2-Day Live Workshop + 2 Starship Sessions & 2 Empowerment Channeling Sessions

Includes everything in the Bronze and Silver Tier.

This tier will help you build and grow your business, release the fears, limiting beliefs, and old programs, and connect with your Guides and Angels who will bring through the information you need to move forward on your path.

$1,555  (payment plan available)

EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.


Follow-up sessions add-on package.

One additional Starship session and one channeling session with the guides to work through any additional blocks that are holding you back. 

This package is an add-on to the Silver or Gold tier and must be purchased in addition to those tiers.  This tier will not give you the initial clearing needed in this program.


EVOLVE is currently closed. Join the waitlist.


If you are unable to attend a live session, all sessions will be recorded and a link provided to you after each session.


2-Day Workshop - How to set up and grow your Spiritual Healing Business

Workshop Dates

Friday, February 16th @ 11am CST

Friday, February 23rd @ 11am CST


Starship Healing Sessions

Friday, March 1st @ 11am CST

Friday, March 8th @ 11am CST

Empowerment Channeling Sessions

Friday, March 22nd @ 11am CST

Thursday, March 28th @ 11am CST


EVOLVE Follow-Up Sessions

Starship Healing Session

Friday, May 3rd @ 11am CST

Empowerment Channeling Session

Friday, May 10th @ 11am CST



Meet Heather

Before my awakening, I was a graphic designer and web designer/developer and designed websites for individuals, small businesses, credit unions, and international companies. I worked in both marketing and IT allowing me to experience the design aspects of business along with the technical aspects of managing web servers and security.

During my awakening, I began to feel the pull to become a healer. I was drawn to many forms of energy healing modalities until I found Quantum Healing Hypnosis. I dove into the incredible Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) course and began my career as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner in 2021, later training with Laura Whitworth and Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (SCHH).

The skills I developed as a web designer/marketing professional helped me to quickly and easily set up and automate my business so I could focus on my hypnosis sessions. In a few short years, I have been able to grow my business and expand by creating new types of sessions and offering more to my clients which has allowed me to double and even triple my income every year.

I want to share with you all of the things I have put in place in my business to help you create a solid foundation to grow your own spiritual healing business. I want to help you automate your business so it runs on autopilot and you can spend more time doing what you love. I want to provide you with all the ways you can begin to attract new clients and grow a thriving and successful healing business.

But I don't want to stop there. I want to give you the opportunity to work with my incredible team - Sarah & Amelie - who will take your growth and expansion to the next level.

Meet Sarah

Sarah is a highly gifted channel and healer. She uses her intuitive and psychic abilities to assist clients on their journey of healing and self-discovery.

Sarah provides a bridge or connection to the Starship which allows our clients to connect and work with high-frequency energies in each Starship Healing Session. She is able to guide your Starship Journey and assist with locating, clearing and releasing energetic blocks and helping to clear old, outdated belief systems and mindsets. This is next-level healing!

She works with her Pleiadian and Arcturian healing teams and your guides and angels who are there to support your journey. They not only clear and release the blocks that are holding you back, but they work to infuse new and empowered belief systems into the mind so you can fully embody the powerful healer and lightworker you came here to be.

Working with Sarah is like getting an energetic upgrade from your old, outdated computer system to a new quantum computing system. You will notice your life begin to transform as each layer of density is released. You will feel more aligned and empowered with each Starship Healing Session. 

Meet Amelie

Amelie is a Natural Functional Medicine Doctor who assists her patients to achieve optimal health not only physically, but chemically, emotionally, and energetically as well. She uses Applied Kinesiology in her practice along with her strong intuitive connection with her team of guides and Angels who assist in every patient appointment.

Amelie is a clear channel and can connect with high-frequency beings, guides, and angels from around the universe. She delivers powerful messages meant to help you feel empowered, access your gifts and abilities, and help you know who you are becoming as an ascended being of light as you move through this shift in consciousness.

She will bring through all of the information that you need to help you uncover the power you hold within, step onto your path, and fully live your purpose. Through Amelie, you will have a clear and direct path to communicate with your guides and your team of light.


It is with deep gratitude and humility that I share my phenomenal Evolve experience and hope those who are feeling the call to consider gifting yourself this experience. My intention with Evolve was to (1) gain clarity for the next expansion of my work and business and (2) recognize and heal my misalignments so that I can fully embody my role to help humanity at this time. What I received from the program was far beyond my intentions and expectations. Not only was my purpose and work to come was confirmed, my gifts, abilities, and my army of light who supports me in my work were also identified and revealed to me. I can now hear and know my guidance more clearly and my connection to my huge team of guides is strengthened and undeniable. At this review, I still have 2 more follow up sessions coming up before the end of the Evolve experience / program after a month off to integrate the energy from the experience so far. 2 days ago, I found myself sobbing hysterically as if mourning the current version of myself and all the while I could feel and see through the eyes of my heart that the new version of myself merging and coming forth within me. It was an out-of-body experience and I could feel the anguish if I were to not move forward with my new expanded identity and this new work now. Since then, clear vision is unfolding of what this work will look like and I am embodying this new identity and existence. I have started drafting the beginning stage of the work and people who will be helping me quantum jump this new journey are showing up in my reality. Evolve was a catalyst to allow this change and expansion for me. This is just a drop in the bucket of the value and empowerment awaiting you and available to you in the Evolve journey with Heather, Sarah, Dr. Amalie, and their team of guides. I encourage you to make a decision and line up with it. If you feel the tug at your heart about Evolve, take that leap. It's your time.


Prior to joining the Evolve program, I found myself in a state of stagnation in my business. I was plagued by procrastination, hesitant to take the necessary steps for my business, and fearful of putting myself out there on social media. Imposter syndrome also affected me, which cast doubt on my abilities. However, as soon as Heather announced the Evolve program I knew I needed to enroll. This program was truly everything I needed and more! Through a comprehensive blend of workshops, healing sessions, and messages session with my guides, I began to peel back the layers and heal. The first four sessions laid the groundwork of removing the blocks, and limiting beliefs and provided me with the knowledge and direction I needed. The subsequent month-long break provided the perfect opportunity to implement these insights. During this time I dove deeper into the healing and the information I received from my Spirit Team. Then, something clicked, and I experienced a profound shift. The energetic clearing, guidance, and direction I received pushed me out of my rut and I’m more excited than ever for the next phase of my journey. I finally started my YouTube channel, I post consistently on my social media platforms, and the judgment of others is no longer stunting my growth. Although I still have more work to do as healing is an ongoing journey, I stand as a testament to the immense transformation you can receive from the Evolve program. I would recommend this program to anyone on their spiritual journey, who’s ready to level up themselves and their business. Thank you Heather, Sarah & Amelie!! You ladies are incredible!!


I recently had the privilege of attending a transformative class on launching a spiritual business, and I can confidently say it exceeded all my expectations. Led by an exceptionally knowledgeable instructor, this course provided a comprehensive roadmap for navigating the intricate landscape of spiritual entrepreneurship.

From the very beginning, the atmosphere was one of openness and encouragement, fostering a sense of community among participants who shared similar aspirations. Heather’s passion for both spirituality and business were evident, and her expertise shone through every session.

What truly set this class apart was its holistic approach. Not only did we delve into practical aspects like web and graphic design, marketing strategies, social media enhancement but we also explored the deeper, soulful aspects of running a spiritual enterprise. The program also addressed any blocks that could hinder my progress and I was able to connect with my spirit team in discovering how to best utilize my gifts and abilities. Many thanks to Sarah and Dr. Amelie for that. 😊

In addition to the invaluable knowledge gained, I left the course feeling empowered and inspired to embark on my entrepreneurial journey. Heather’s unwavering support and genuine desire to see each of us succeed was truly uplifting.

In conclusion, this class was a game-changer for anyone looking to merge their passion for spirituality with their entrepreneurial ambitions. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just starting out, I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone ready to manifest their vision and make a meaningful impact in the spiritual community.

Thank you so much Heather, I am so glad the Universe led me to you. 😉


Thank you so much Heather! This course was exactly the missing piece and what I needed to effectively launch my business. Technology is definitely not my specialty and you provided simple, clear step-by-step tutorials for each section of the course. I’m extremely grateful!


It was a Gift to have participated in the "Evolve: The Empowered Entrepreneurial Experience" workshop, where I learned much more than I ever thought possible in just two sessions. I end this day by expressing my sincere gratitude to Heather, Sarah and fellow participants. And by thanking the Universe for having inspired me to enroll in the workshop and join the Quantum Soul Portal! 🌟


If you are starting a healing business, the Evolve program is for you. This program is a fully comprehensive program that takes care of every aspect of your business. From learning the basics of setting up a business to learning about yourself spiritually and emotionally, you will get it all! I learned so much about myself as a person and as a soul through this unique program. You will not be sorry you invested in yourself and your business!


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