Understanding & Clearing Entities & Attachments Workshop

You will learn everything you need to know about entities and energetic attachments that can become connected to your energetic field and cause emotional and physical distress.

You will also experience a powerful guided meditation where you will be assisted by your Galactic Guides and Angels who will help you clear your energy field and remove any unwanted entities or attached energies that are draining your energy.  This is one powerful workshop you don't want to miss.

You will receive a copy of the recording to work with at home for continued clearing.



Your Entity Clearing Workshop Includes

In this workshop, you will learn all about:

  • Earth Bound Spirits
  • Entities
  • Etheric Implants
  • Control Devices
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Created Thoughtforms
  • Energy Cords
  • Portals
  • Holes in the Aura
  • Curses, Black Magic, Hexes
  • Vows
  • Contracts
  • Past Life Trauma

You will understand how entities and spirits can attach to you energetically and what types of issues they can cause you to experience.  You will understand about a range of energetic attachments that can drain your energy, dim your light, and keep you stuck and unable to move forward on your path.  

This workshop will give you the knowledge you need to understand how these various entities and attachments can cause you mental, emotional, and physical issues.

You will then have the opportunity to participate in an incredible meditation to help you begin the process of locating and removing these energies and entities. Sarah Huckabee will channel a powerful message of empowerment from the Guides to help you take back your power and stand in your sovereignty.

Then you will work with Archangel Michael, the Angels of the Light and your team of Guides who will assist you in searching through the body to locate any dense energies that can be released.  You will learn ways to clear your energy and keep it clear.

This is a powerful workshop for anyone who feels weighed down and held back but can't seem to find the reason why.  You may have one or more of these energetic entities attached to you, siphoning your energy.

Learn how to take back control of your energy field and your life during this powerful one-day workshop.

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