Heart Healing & Expansion Guided Meditation

Heart Healing & Expansion Guided Meditation

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The heart is an area of the body where we store much pain, sadness and trauma.  We create walls around our hearts for the purpose of protection and we close the heart down to prevent ourselves from feeling heavy emotions.

This can block the flow of energy through your heart and prevent you from giving love freely or receiving love from others.

This meditation was designed to help you locate and release trapped energies within and around the heart space from experiences in this life, or even past life experiences that are still affecting you.

This guided meditation is more of a hypnosis session where I will be taking you through 3 points in time where heart healing is needed. We will take a brief look at the experience and how it affected you, then we will work to clear and release the heavy energies trapped within the heart.

We will then take a journey through the portal in your heart as we connect with the cosmos and universal life force energy to assist you with opening the flow of energy within the heart and expanding this powerful energy center.

This guided quantum healing meditation was channeled through the Akashic Records with my team of guides. It is infused with powerful healing energies and frequencies. The more you listen, the more it will awaken and activate the light within you.


Once you complete the purchase you will receive a link to download a PDF file that contains a link to this meditation. You can click on the link and stream the meditation directly from the link. You also have the option to download a copy of the meditation to your device.

The link to download the PDF will only be active for 24 hours after purchase so please download the PDF document after purchase.

If you have any trouble with the link, send an email to heather@quantumhealingwithin.com.


I just got my chance to listen to the meditation and it was so wonderful, I'd like to share. Thank you Heather. It had a profound effect on me by helping me see my past traumas more clearly and making peace with them. I loved the image of melting the attachment strings with the bright light...I pictured my heart in the center of those strings and as they were melting and my heart was becoming freer and brighter, I saw myself as a little girl crouched in there, scared and trapped as if the strings were bars, and as the strings broke free she was finally able to grow into the strong woman she was intended to be. Oh wow, I seriously could keep writing but must stop myself :) Thank you so much for this experience that I'll never forget and for providing a safe space to share ❤️

This is such a beautiful and healing meditation. It was so interesting to see which events my higher self chose to come up for healing. It just goes to show you how our souls are more advanced than the human meat suit we are in. It felt so loving and safe to release these traumas. I loved the sense of closure with the divine light dissolving the cords to my heart. After I did this meditation and was sharing my thoughts with my husband, his higher self nudged him to do the meditation also. I have been married to this beautiful soul(on this incarnation)for 53 years, and had no clue about the pain he has been carrying for many, many years. I am honored to be married to this brave soul and feel more connected than ever. We have been together in 57 other lifetimes.Thank you so very much Heather for this beautiful and sacred healing meditation.❤️😇🙏

Thank you Heather! Such a beautiful meditation and time sharing! 😍💕

Thank you Heather! Another great session 🥰

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