What is Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis (BQH) and How Can It Help You

What is Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis (BQH) and How Can It Help You

In this post, I'm going to share with you some information about Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions. We'll take a look at the benefits of having a BQH session, what it's like to be in hypnosis and what an actual hypnosis session is like.

Maybe you've just recently stumbled across BQH and you are wondering what the heck it is and how can it help you. I'm going to break down what a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session is and all the wonderful, life-changing benefits of having a session.

I've also created a video of this post if you prefer to listen instead of read.

What is Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis (BQH)?

BQH stands for Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis and is a healing modality that allows the client to move into a light state of trance so the conscious mind can step aside and they can access the subconscious mind and the superconscious mind which I refer to as the Higher Self.

Through this process of hypnosis, clients can access past life experiences, connect to the Higher Self to receive answers to important life questions and to receive healing to the energetic and physical body, which is my favorite part of the session.

Connecting to past life experiences

You may be wondering why it's so important to connect to a past life. In my sessions, not all of my clients do connect to a past life. Some go straight into the healing portion of the session because that is what they need most. But typically, when you do enter a past life, it's because that life is having some sort of effect on your current life experience.

Maybe you are still holding some negative energy from that life that needs to be healed and released, or maybe you are being shown that life because it is directly connected to your path in this life.

Life as an Indian girl who grows up to be a healer

In the first BQH session that I had for myself, I was shown the life of an Indian girl whose grandmother was the tribe's healer. The life showed me growing up and learning the ways of healing through plant medicines and through energy work.

After my grandmother passed, I took over as the tribe's healer and carried on the work of my grandmother and those who came before her. The message I received was that I had done energy healing work in past lifetimes and that is why I am becoming more and more drawn to it in this current lifetime. In my life now, I am connecting back into the energy of being a healer which I have been in many past lives.

It was important for me to see this because it helps to validate the choices I am making in this life and helps me to trust what is coming to me and to know that there is a greater reason and purpose for the unfolding of this path in my life.

You will be shown exactly what you need to see

Your guides will show you exactly what you need to see in order to help you make the right connections in your life.

You may also be shown lives where you experienced something challenging or traumatic and you are still carrying the energy into this life.

Once we are able to see what happened to you in that life, we can clear, release and heal the energy in this life so you can let go of any challenges it is creating for you in your current life experience.

Connecting with your spirit guides and higher self

After visiting a past life or two, we will then work to connect with your guides or your higher self to get the answers to any questions you have for your session. These questions can be anything at all that you want to know about your life.

Click here for a list of questions you can ask your spirit guides and higher self.

They can be health-related, work-related, questions about relationships, anything at all that you want answers to help you understand more about who you are and how can you live your best life.

While we are working with your higher self, we will have your team scan your body to find any blockages or any energies that are not serving you in this life and need to be released and healed.

This is often a very powerful portion of the session and my favorite part. We hold so much low vibrational and dense energy in the body from this lifetime and from past lifetimes and I will work with your teams to assist you in releasing as much as possible during your session. To me, it's one of the most important parts of the session.

What is it like to be in hypnosis?

This is a different experience for everyone. Some clients go deep into trance and don't seem to remember much after their session, but more often, clients are very conscious and alert through their experiences and feel as though they are simply observing scenes play out in front of them.

Some clients see their past life experience play out like a movie in front of them, and others have less of a visual experience and more of a sensing or knowing.

Your experience will be as unique and individual as you are. But no matter what you experience, know that you are in full control and completely safe.

Your guides and higher self will give you exactly what you need during your session, even if it's not filled with all the visual elements you might expect.

Some clients may experience a session where not much seems to be happening, but my own guidance has shared with me that even those types of sessions are very powerful because once the client is in a light state of trance, their frequency has shifted and the higher guidance teams will begin to do the work for the client, even if the client is completely unaware.

If this is your experience, it may take an additional session for you to be ready to journey into a past life experience and connect to your guidance. Whatever you experience, know that it is perfect for you at that moment.

What will your Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis (BQH) session be like?

After you book a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, you will receive an email with lots of information about your session. I've created a guide that has everything you need to know about how to have a great session.

I've also created a guided meditation and a guided visualization exercise you can begin working with prior to your session to help you learn how to quiet the mind and to allow you to begin to work with your imagination.

You will receive a client questionnaire form where you can type out all the questions you have for your session and share any important information.

On the day of your session, we will connect via zoom and we will start off by going over all of your questions and spending a little time getting to know you.

For online sessions, you will need a strong internet connection and a headset with a microphone that goes in front of your mouth so I can hear you clearly during your session.

Visualization exercises and induction

Once we have gone over all of your questions, we'll practice with a few visualization exercises to help you get a better understanding of what your session will be like.

As you learn to use your imagination to create each scene, this will help you to prepare for what the session may feel like for you.

After the visualization exercises, we'll take a quick break and then you can get into a comfortable position and we can begin the induction. Then it's off on your journey where we will explore whatever it is you need to see.

Your session will last approximately one to two hours as we work our way through past lives, healing and speaking with your guides and higher self.

Post-session wrap-up

After your session, we'll spend a little time going over any questions you may have and briefly discussing your session.

Then we will wrap things up and you can the rest you need as these sessions are full of energy and you will need some time to allow the energies to integrate within your system.

Learn more about who you are and get the healing you need

A Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session is a powerful way to receive physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and the perfect way to raise your vibration so you can have a better connection with your team of light.

I hope you will trust me to guide your session and allow me to assist you on this powerful journey of healing and discovering more about who you truly are.

Listen to a recorded Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session

If you would like to take a peek inside an actual session, please visit my YouTube channel where I occasionally post client sessions.


Grab a copy of my 32 page starter guide, packed full of simple tips you can incorporate into everyday life to help you keep your energy balanced & aligned, raise your vibration and keep your consciousness expanding.

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