Questions to Ask Your Higher Self During a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

Questions to Ask Your Higher Self During a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

So you've signed up for a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session and now you have to come up with a list of questions to ask your Higher Self. You may be wondering what are the best questions to ask your Spirit Guides and your Higher Self during your BQH session.

When I work with clients during a Quantum healing session, no question is off-limit. If you want to know it, I am more than happy to ask it for you.

However, some clients come to their session unsure of what to ask their spirit guides and their Higher Self during their session. They may have a small list of questions, but that is all they can seem to come up with.

I've created a list of questions to help you prepare for your Beyond Quantum Healing session so you can learn everything you need to know and receive all the powerful healing you need to help you live your best life.

Keep in mind that you will want to limit your list of questions to around 10 - 15 questions max. Getting the answers to your list of questions is only one part of your session.

You will also spend time visiting any past life experiences you need to see and don't forget about all the healing work that happens in a session.

Make a list of questions you want to ask and if you find it getting really long, try and combine questions into one, or select the questions that are most important so your session isn't too long.

When we meet before your session, I am happy to help you get your list of questions just right so you can get the most benefit for your hypnosis experience.

Questions to ask your Higher Self during a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

Personal Questions to ask your Higher Self

  • What is my life's purpose?
  • What is my path in this life?
  • What did I come to do in this life?
  • What life lessons did I come here to learn?
  • What is the role of a friend or family member in my life?
  • Why do I have issues with a friend or family member?
  • How can I resolve issues with friends or family members?
  • How can I meet people I connect with?
  • Will I meet my soulmate?
  • Am I in the right job/career?
  • What type of job or career should I pursue in this life?
  • Why am I struggling financially?
  • How can I create abundance in my life?
  • How can I be a better parent for my children?
  • What do my children want me to know about them?
  • How can I best support my spouse?
  • Where is the best place for me to live?
  • How do I overcome blocks in my life?
  • Why do I continue to repeat the same patterns in my life?
  • What is the most important thing for me to know at this time?

Health & Healing Questions to ask your Higher Self

  • Why am I experiencing certain health issues?
  • How can I heal a specific issue?
  • Where did this issue come from?
  • What is the best diet for me?
  • What are the best supplements for me to take?
  • How can I live the healthiest life possible?
  • Why do I struggle to lose weight?
  • What is the best way for me to get healthy and in shape?
  • Why do I experience depression or anxiety?
  • How can I let go of hurt and anger?
  • How can I heal from a traumatic experience?
  • How can I overcome certain fears and phobias?
  • How can I overcome an addiction?
  • Are my chakras clear and balanced?
  • What is the best way for me to meditate?

Galactic & Spiritual Questions to ask your Higher Self

  • Am I a Starseed?
  • What is my planet or place of origin as a soul?
  • Are my children or spouse Starseeds?
  • How can I have a stronger connection to my higher guidance?
  • What is the best way for me to connect and receive messages from my guides?
  • How can I access my gifts and abilities?
  • Questions about alien or UFO experiences.
  • Questions about paranormal or strange experiences.
  • What is my connection to angels or other spiritual beings?
  • Have I had a past or parallel life with a specific person in my life?

There are so many great questions to ask your Higher Self during your Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session

I hope this list of questions helps you to prepare for your BQH or QHHT session. It's the perfect time to get all the answers you need to help you on your journey of healing and spiritual growth.

When you are ready to book a session, I would love the opportunity to connect with you and your guides and assist you during this powerful healing session.


Grab a copy of my 32 page starter guide, packed full of simple tips you can incorporate into everyday life to help you keep your energy balanced & aligned, raise your vibration and keep your consciousness expanding.

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